Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Who's in YOUR family tree?

biped...."It was about 10:00 pm and I left the sewing barn heading towards the main house when I saw some movement up the hill past the chicken house. Just as I turned I saw two scroungy grey cats cross our driveway in the shadows. What I said is unprintable but it started with OH and ended wif a T. I stomped into the house and grabbed the flashy box thinking perhaps I could get a story for Wordless Wed. So there I was, out there in my moonlit yard and I hear a noise in the trees."





Angel, Kirby and Max said...

They are pretty, and cute and can be mean and destructive!

Love Ollie's face and comment!

The Florida Furkids said...

Um....we would stay far away from THAT kitty!!

Great picture!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Island Cats said...

Haha!!! My mom always tell me that my ancestors were raccoons too!!!


Cat Street Boyz said...

This is where tree climbing gets dangerous for us kitties, you never know what could be hiding up there! Qllie's face says it all!=^Y^=
We hope you got your "Paw it Forward" package. Tracking said it was delivered 3:37pm on the front porch yesterday.=^Y^=

Ozark Mountain Cats said...

Yes I got the Paw if Forward box. I have no clue what's in it, but the unopened box has the kitties climbing the walls and hanging from the ceiling fan.

Daisy said...

Who was that masked man?!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Look out Biped, he's giving you the lasers.

Anonymous said...

How rude, an intruder in the tree. Sometimes birds sit in our trees. Totally unacceptable.