Thursday, September 3, 2009

Daisy Visits da Ozarks

******* A week ago****
heesh...."Did you see what Ollie did?"
annie...."You mean, him hogging da blog for over a week now?"
heesh...."No, him's stold da biped's plastic card and has sent for Daisy to live wif us."
annie...."I hope she brings Harley wif her, he's really cute."

*******Thursday AfterNoon****

ollie...."Oh boy, my box is here!"
heesh...."Why is da biped's name on it?"
ollie...."It's my box. I can hear Daisy calling."

heesh...."I don't hear nuttin."
annie...."Can you hear blood pressure rising, cuz I bet da biped's going to be upset."


heesh....."He sure is happy."
ollie...."Hey look guys, Daisy sent me a luv note."
annie...."Dat note's not from Daisy. It's from Endless Whimsy."
ollie...."Tis from Daisy, youz just jealous cuz she likes me."


ZOOLATRY said...

Curl your furs, that might help get her attention.

The Island Cats said...

Aw, Ollie...we didnt' know you had a crush on Daisy!

The Florida Furkids said...

Love is in the air????

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Unknown said...

Ollie, you are the most beautiful boy, your Aunt Zimmie is so proud of the way you're taking charge...I mean, helping your Mom so much, ordering things to save her time! Hugs and pets, Aunt Zimmie

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We bet it is a love note from Daisy!

Anonymous said...

We are sure that it is a ♥ note from Miss Daisy. After all, just look at what a handsome kitty you are, no lady cat could resist!

Elin said...

Awww Ollie!


Daisy said...

Well, even though the statue is not actually me, there is a little piece of my heart in each Daisy sculpture. I hope I bring you lots of curly happiness!

Ozark Mountain Cats said...

A warning to future "Daisy" cat owners. Be sure to supervise any visits between the pink Daisy and your cat, cuz Ollie got really "enamoured" wif da clay Daisy. I think dat she must of been wrapped in nip laced pink papers.

Reese =^..^= said...

Oh, how sweet!!!!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Awww Ollie, your cuddling your Daisy.