Friday, July 24, 2009

The Assassin!


heesh...."It can be very scary here in da Ozarks. Not only are there key stealing squirrels, there's also prehistoric animals that prowl around in da woods."

heesh...."This happens to be an Assassin Bug and believe it or not he's a good guy. He's trying to protect our red barked dogwood from the horrible Japanese beetles that have invaded us. Click biggify and check out his huge jaws. He sneaks up on da bad guys and grabs them in his jaws and then shoots them with venom. I sure hope dat he stays outside and doesn't shoot one of us."


The Island Cats said...

He may be a good guy...but we'd stay away from him!

Anonymous said...

He must be the assassin to the bad bugs, yeah, the bad bugs. Still I wouldn't want to run into him in the dark!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We like to crunch bugs, but he looks a bit scary to us.

Reese =^..^= said...

Yikes! That's one big, ugly dad gum bug!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We got bugs like that too! We did not know they were good!

Daisy said...

Thank goodness the Assassin Bug is one of the good buggies. I would hate to have him as an enemy!

Nina Torbie said...

Oh Bug! bug bug bug bug bug! Can I play with him? *poke poke* I won't hurt him, but I might sit on him.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Interesting bug! My mom still said eeeeeek when she saw him even though he is a good guy.