smudge....."By now yaul know dat da biped is a wee bit strange." "But dis just may be da strangest fact yet." "Da biped was taught how to box (like in Fight Club Kiddies) when she was about seven years old." "Her stepfather had a friend named "George" who was a professional boxer." "Ole George thought it would be fun to teach da biped how to box, so while Grandma was inside cooking dinner, George taught her about guarding her nose, the bob and weave, footwork, and best of all PUNChing." "Da biped had a short career but never lost a fight, including when da Mcgee boy threw a rotten tomato at her when she was on her way to Sunday School." "She was about 11 and McGee was about 14 but dat didn't stop her." "It was a bit unfortuneate dat da preacher drove by just as she landed a punch on McGee's chin." "He did forgive her being a preacher and all, but he did tell half da town about it, including Grandma." "One things for sure thought! Dat boy never bothered another girl after dat."
"So wif dat said, here's your first boxing lesson."
Always protect your face wif your paws. You don't want to end up wif a black eye or
worse yet a case of da fuzzies. You'll notice I'm a bit blurry because I forgot to duck."
And if things start going bad don't forget the bitey move!
Goodness! What a good photos! I like when u cover your face like that! Cute! And when u are ready to put a bitey, it scares me a little!
The bitey move will get them every time!
How cool that your biped learned boxing! I wish I was a good boxer. I usually resort to the Bitey.
ps: Your new floor is looking good.
wow...from mild to wild!
Good for your biped. She may have stopped that boy from being a bully.Your bitey scared us wiv all those big teefs.
Lost of girls like to box! Glad your biped knew how to protect herself. I like the picture of you protecting your face!
Your bitey move is ferocious looking.. I like it!
Wow! What big teeth you have for biting! I'll be very respectful of you! ::walks in wiiiiiide circle around Smudge::
Wow! I hope I don't ever need to learn how to fight. I'm a lover, not a fighter. Hee! Hee!
That's cool your mom learned how to fight, even though it got her in trouble it sounds like it got her out of more trouble. We love the bitey picture!
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