Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Beau!

smudge...."Did you see what we did?"

heesh....."Yup.... It was da biped's fault."

biped....."What's my fault?"

heesh....."You forgot Beau's gotcha day. It was yesterday."

heesh...."We were supposed to donate a bag of food to da shelter.

biped...."A bag like this?"

heesh...."Wow it's da bonus size."

biped...."To a place like this?"

heesh...."Is dat a shelter? "Look at the neat catio."

biped...."Yup it's our little shelter."

heesh...."I quess one day late isn't too bad for da biped."

smudge...."Especially since her favorite saying is "We'll do it tomorrow."

heesh....."I thought that was our favorite saying! It must be one of those Ozark things."


Summer at sparklecat.com said...

Paws up for your human! That was a massive bag of food!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Beau! You are very good to donate to the shelter.

OKcats said...

That was very nice of you to donate food to your shelter! And that is a GREAT catio! Wait... did your mom donate YOUR food? Do you guys have enough to eat??? AHHHHHHHHHHH