Hi! We saw that you came and visited our bloggie, so we had to come and meet you Ozark cats! You a bunch a cuties, and furry funny too! Teri had two kitties that lived in the Ozarks, and they grew up to be very old and crossed the rainbow bridge a couple of years ago. But she visited them a couple of times and loved the mountains and the fireflies!
SHh...we better keep quiet.. Look at the paw!
It's huge & great!
we will stay just on min so we wont wake y U ar beautiful man cat come over and see what my kitte is doing to me iam just a littel pup
We will be very quite! and go take a nap ourselves!
::whispers:: I will be vewwy, vewwy quiet!
Shhhhhhhhhh we won't wake him.
::Praline backs out of the room:: I'll come back later.
Hi! We saw that you came and visited our bloggie, so we had to come and meet you Ozark cats! You a bunch a cuties, and furry funny too! Teri had two kitties that lived in the Ozarks, and they grew up to be very old and crossed the rainbow bridge a couple of years ago. But she visited them a couple of times and loved the mountains and the fireflies!
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