Monday, November 21, 2011

Preparing for da Howlidays...

joplin...."According to the old folks around here we have to start spiffin' up da house for da company."

joplin...."I'm going to start doing dat spiffin' thing just as soon as I get my hairs all washed."

joplin...."Hey biped, you better get dumb and dumber busy help'ng ya cuz this hair thing may take a while."


Mr Puddy said...

Yep ! That's pretty complicated job !
Take your time, Joplin ; )

Summer at said...

You're getting company? No company and no turkey here - maybe I should throw a house trashing party.

Random Felines said...

You are looking pretty spiffy Joplin (and if you take your time, you won't have to help at all). :)

Katnip Lounge said...

Joplin, you look great already but we won't tell...that way you won't be put to work.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Joplin, keep at the hair thing as long as you can!

Daisy said...

Joplin, you are very right. Hair always takes priority.

Lin said...

Wow, you are really growing up, Joplin! You don't look like a little kitty anymore. Especially with all the grooming going on. :)