heesh....."Shor did little brother."
joplin...."Does the biped have a clue how to cook it?"
heesh....."I saw her reading the recipes in the paper this afternoon. Surely she'll find a good one."

biped...."Here's a few of the recipes from the local news paper. You poor city folk probably don't have the luxury of getting such good directions."
by Ryan...
Here is how you cook a turkey. First, you get the turkey at the Raymondville Grocery Store You tear the plastic off the turkey. You stuff the turkey with pig meat. Next , you put it in an oven that is 500 degrees hot. You cook the turkey for 200 minutes. While the turkey is cooking you read a book. Last you take the turkey out of the oven and cut it up. You eat turkey after you put salt and A1 sauce on it."
by Abbigale....
First, you get your turkey at the store. You shave the turkey's fur off. Next you turn the oven to 175 degrees. You put the turkey in the oven for 1 minute. If the turkey is still moving you cook it a little longer. Then you put the turkey in the middle of the table. Last, you cut it up and then you can eat it up."
by Alex...
Frist buy a cooler a turkey. Then you get Hwiian BBq sace. You put it in the cooler then you put in the sacer and mararati it in the sace with some ice. You let it maranat for 20-40 minits. Then take it out and cook it. You smoke it with skin less wood cips. Smoke it for 30-70 minits.
Then you have feast! Yum...
by Aaron... (whom I think sits really close to Alex)
You skin a turkey. But if you wont you can by th turkeys. And cook the turkey. Four one huher and put salt and peeper. Put some sos on it for you can put some barbacue sos on the side when your done with the turkey you can eat it.
by Christopher a true Ozarkian...
First hunt down a turkey. Then you take off the fethers off. The you chop of it's head. Then you take away the nasty stuff out. And now you put it in the oven The tempiter has to be one hundred twenty three. And then you have a delishos turkey.
My recipe for turkey: have your human cook it. Get mad if you do not get the giblets.
Our recipe is to let Mom Paula's mom cook it!
Truffle and Brulee
You guys GOTTA mail me some of this turkey!!
We let grandma cook our turkey.... we think it is safer that way!
HOw fun! But we are not letting Mom see these recipes! SHe can burn water and might like her turkey cooked with sos!
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