smudge...."How come?"
major...."All those visitors on my last post said I was up to no good."

smudge...."I wonder why they'd say such things."
major...."I don't know either. I really try to be good."

smudge...."Uh what are you trying to do now?
major...."Well I've been listening to the biped's gripes about the kitty litter being scattered all over the place."

major...."So I make sure I wash my paws off before I walk across the her desk."
Um Major.....that might NOT be a good idea!! Just sayin'
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
You are such a thoughtful kitty! ;)
THat is a good idea, Major, but I would not use the bipeds glass to do it in!
Major, there is no pleasing the bipeds, they are crazypants!
Major, really, there is NO such thing as a bad kitty, so don't let any humans tell you different.
Smart thinking, Major.
Oh, you were just washing your dirty paws off in her water glass? I'm sorry, you were doing Good!
Okay! See, you being so thoughtful! Now, if she doesn't appreciate that... Well, then we'd say it IS time for NO good! Hee-hee ;-)
OMC, what a great idea! I do not know why staff person cringed at the reading.
Oh Major - it is a good thing you are so cute....
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