Saturday, June 12, 2010

It Just Keeps getting better...

smudge...."I think I left off on #3. You're really going to enjoy 4 and 5.

4. The biped loves doing yardwork at night. So after things quieted down, and the sun set, the biped decided to prune the tree by the drive way. That was uneventful so she decided to continue on the "snake" bush by the front door. She was merrily clipping away when all of a sudden she felt a different resistance on the shears. She'd cut her expensive 100 foot extension cord in half. She'd used it this afternoon when she was trying to break into the Major's cabin and had forgotten to put it away.

5. This may be the bestest one yet. Remember the biped's "Farm?" on her computer. Well she paid $300,000.00 for a dog about two months ago. Every day she has fed it because it was supposed to learn tricks like harvesting. So Friday the biped gives it a bone and clicks "harvest trees" and good ole Spot disapeers in a cloud of dust.

Ollie...."You should see the biped's face. It's hard to tell what's bothering her more. The missing $300,000.00 dog or the $40.00 electrical cord."


Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh my, your biped is a real cut up!!! That is one expensive woofie!

Katnip Lounge said...

LOL! Every time Daddy trims bushes he cuts the irrigation line. A new place each time! He's kinda slow...

Summer at said...

OMC! I hope your human doesn't know you're telling on her - I want to hear more!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Those are funny! Your biped keeps you laughing !

Keiko said...

Hahahaha so funny! Congratulations on your award!