Saturday, June 5, 2010

The cat who thought she was a Dog....

angel...."Can I have the bowl? Huh! Give it to me the faithful companion!"

Joya....."It's my bowl, Give me the bowl. Please the bowl!

angel/Joya...."Oh NO! don't put it in the metal box! Oh No!"

pssss. biped...."A million years ago I had a cat named JJ. JJ and the neighbor's 18 month ole daughter made friends. They shared cookies and milk. I would occassionally watch the baby and when I did there was always some sort of a treat involved. All was fine until one day, while at home, Baby Diana ran to the fridge and stood there meowing. Diana's mother didn't let her visit as much after that."


dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

HAHAHAHAHA!! Oh that is brilliant!! Goes to show, the humans can be trained!

Kea said...

ROTFL!!!! Oh, that's just priceless!!!! :-D

Marg said...

Well said, and very funny.
Hope you have a wonderful week end.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hey, she was really chillin' out!

Hannah and Lucy said...

That is just great - JJ was an excellent teacher!

Katnip Lounge said...

MOL & LOL! There was a child of exceptional intelligence!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Love the story. Just goes to show humans are trainable, one smart girl!