Saturday, July 21, 2012

Cat Yoga

Joplin...."Feast your eyes on the Yoga King."

biped...."Oh that's yoga.  What pose is that?."

Joplin...."It's called the resting bunny."

biped....."I know what this one's called!
biped... "That's the twisted tiger!"

joplin....."I think you're making fun of my yoga moves."

biped.....(snickers...)    I bet this pose is the drunk bunny."


Random Felines said...

poor Joplin - we love your yoga moves and have used some of those ourselves.... :)

Summer at said...

The last pose is my favorite!

Sweet Purrfections said...

We like the drunk bunny.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Joplin, We love your moves! Very well done!