joplin....."Did you hear what I heard big brother?"
joplin....."Santa's not coming to the Ozarks this year!"
smudge....."WHAT! WHY! That can't be right!"

smudge...."Where did you hear that?"
joplin....."From da biped. She said that Donner got blitz'd by a camoflaged jeep up on da road."
joplin....."Yeah, I had to ask her a second time too. Smooshed, squooshed. It's curtains for Donner. He's laying up at the top of the hill."
smudge...."I don't believe it. You know how da biped's always getting things wrong. He probably just got tired and is up there taking a nap."
biped...."Well he'd better wake up really quickly cuz a guy stoped and threw him in the back of his truck and drove away."