Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Toesie Tuesday in da Ozarks

annie..."It's Toesie Tuesday and boy do I have news for you. First of all da biped had a spurt of energy and she filled all da bird feeders and then threw the corn on da ground. Within 30 minutes a hold herd of turkeys came by. Da biped took a picture from inside da house but it was too blury. Then just before dark a squirrel dropped by and so did our friend Chippy."

biped...."And there's more news. Da lady from the animal shelter called and woked da biped up this morning. Weeze going to be getting a foster sister some time dis week. We don't know what she looks like, just that she's at the vet now getting fixed. Dey can't keep her at da shelter because da kitties there have ring worm and they want them to get well before they bring any other kitties in.


The Island Cats said...

Aw, those are some cute pink jelly bean toesies!! Good luck with your new foster sister...we can't wait to hear more about her!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

What lovely pink toesies.....or tootsies as we call them at our house.....

We're looking forward to meeting your foster sister.


Daisy said...

Those sure are some bright pink toes!

How very exciting that you are getting a foster baby soon!

Cat Street Boyz said...

Those are some healthy toes! That is so nice....fostering.....good for your family!!=^Y^=

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

THose are very pretty toes.

caspersmom said...

Have to agree with the Island cats. You do look like you have jelly beans on your toesies. Very attractive toesies. Your biped is really nice to take in foster kitties. Mom doesn't think she could do that, she wouldn't be able to give them up.

My Mom wants to know how your biped's brother is doing?? She came across your blogger address that she wrote down awhile back. Daughter bean is doing well and Mom was wondering and praying that your biped's brother is doing well also.
