Thursday, October 1, 2009

Our Paw it Forward Box

ollie...."Our Paw it Forward box came from da Cat Street Boyz. We tink dat they're very nice kitties.

ollie...."Hmmm, I tink I'll crawl in here and look around. It smells soooo good. I tink there's a nip forest in here."

ollie...."There's whips, and two cat nip birds, and a baby oppossum, and a herd of mice.

ollie...."And it's all mine..."

sheesh...."Dream on Brother!"

heesh...."I get it next."

ollie...."we gots da biped to make dis picture for you."


The Creek Cats said...

We love the Cat Street Boyz too! They sent you guys some furry fun toys!

The Florida Furkids said...

That's a pawsome PIF package!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Island Cats said...

Wow...looks like PIF overload there!! The Cat Street Boyz were good to all of you!

Ozark Mountain Cats said...

They were extremely nice to us. Poor Ollie may never come out of his catnip coma, not that he seems to mind.

Cat Street Boyz said...

We are soooo happy you liked all the stuff....when Mommy bought your bed she also got one for us too and it is really soft! Those jelly beans from Casbah Kitten are potent!!! When we walk away from the catnip toys Mom stores them in a ziplock bag to keep them potent. Ollie you must be a fun guy on you open everyone gifts?=^Y^=the Cat Street Boys

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is a very cool package!

Cat with a Garden said...

That is a pawsome Paw it Forward package! Ollie, I couldn't help noticing your floofy tail, it's magnificient! Will you post 'tocktober pictures?
Purrs, Siena