Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Rainy Day Cat Tales

It's a rainy day in da Ozarks so the HuMom and DadDog Riley is inside.  They're all mine.  Did da HuMom tell you that I'm a rare Fetcher Cat.  I think I play fetch because I had a DadDog instead of a CatMom.  I fetch the ringie thing off HuMom's big water bottles.  I don't quite know how DadDog taught me to fetch when he won't fetch anything but stray cats.

Da HuMom took a new picture of me when I was falling asleep.  She tucks me into her sweat shirt and makes a pillow on the keyboard tray.  I  could sleep there all day except she has to keep getting up to use the litter box.

Did you notice my cute toe beans?


Summer at sparklecat.com said...

I love your cute paws, and guess what? I play fetch too!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You are a handsome kitty!