Friday, January 16, 2009

Ozark Mountain Cats

I quess we need to start wif a brief history of the Ozark Mountain Cats. We're a very rare and distinquished breed that resides in the Missouri (pronounced Mizzura by the local bipeds) Ozarks just southwest of the Boston Mountains. Now there are some (bipeds mostly) that would argue that nothing in Mizzura is distinquished but we (at least a few of us OMC's) would argue wif dat. OMC's (Ozark Mountain Cats) love to argue just for the sake of arguing. That being one of the traits of a OMC. Its also a trait of the local Ozarkians. Perhaps we got that trait from them, or they got it from us. Brother Willie Cat being the best arguer amonst us.

Well now folks we're going to have our typist (Biped #1) push the preview button to see if we actually have a blog. She's not a very experienced blogger so it may take us a little longer to get our blog on line. We may have to go up on the big road and catch another typist. They're out there in the cold in their silly traveling machines sliding around in the ice.


snowforest said...

Welcome to the cat blogosphere!! It's a very fun and friendly place :)

Anonymous said...

Welcome from we 3 distinquished Virginians. Two of us are pedigree MCCs and the other is just a little ragamuffin.
Alex, Boru and Jenny from The Bumpass Hound