As stated before Annie came from a no-kill shelter, what wasn't said was that she was picked because she was almost a spitting image of Al-lowishis. Dear sweet Al as he was usually called was the dumbest cat on earth. He lived wif da biped for 17 years and every time he walked underneath the coffee table he'd bang his forhead on it.
Biped only (((ONLY))) had four cats when she saw da want-ad in the paper. It read {{{Purebred Himalayan Kittens $15.00}}}. Biped hastily calls the lady and said, "Are the Purebred Kittens only $15.00 or was that a misprint?" The nice lady replied they sure are. So biped makes an appointment to come over the next day and gets up real early in da morning (no small feat) and drives to the lady's house. The kitchen had at least 10 kittens wandering around but biped couldn't see anything that looked like a Himalayan. She asks the lady, "Where are the Himalayan kittens?" And the lady says....
"I'm sorry, someone just took the last one, but I have these cute kittens for just $5.00 and they've even had their first shots."
Can anypurr find da word SUCKER in da cat dictionary?
Hahaha at least she still got a lovely cat :)
HAHAHA!! Now that was a good one!!!!!
We have a woofie who is not the brightest bulb and constantly bangs her head on things :)
Oh my goodness! Hahahahahha!! Awwwwwww.......but Annie is a cutie!!
Your (your we can't wait for the 70 degree weather to come back) FL furiends,
HeeHeeHee! HeeHeeHee!
We think they call that the ol' "bait and switch!"
You didn't get a Himmie but you still got a lovely kitty.
Hehehehe, what a ploy but Annie is still a cutie.
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