Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Over the Hill Gang...

biped....."Only people over 42ish years old will know what I'm living with.  Certainly people in their 60's will really relate.  I truly feel that I cursed myself when 30 years ago when I told my 80ish neighbor that she just needed to go to a different eye doctor and she'd be able to get decent glasses.  The reason I'm blabbering about failing eyesight and crappy eye glass makers is that Mom and I were sitting on the front porch the other night.  And Mom said,

MOm....."Look at that clump of grass walking across the driveway."

biped...."Mom, grass doesn't walk.  In our yard it bolts but it never  has been known to walk."

biped....."I had to sit there a few minutes before I saw what she was seeing.  There was about a square foot chunk of grass moving slowly across the yard."

biped....."I had to run inside and get the camera to take a picture of Mom's walking grass.

biped....."Look at the size of those claws.  I bet it could really do some damage if you tried to pick it.


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Wow! He is a big one! I winder what the 'grass' is?

Random Felines said...

holy smokes - your turtle is so slow he grew moss MOL

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

Whoa! That turtle looks like he is wearing a Halloween costume!

Lin said...

That's a new version of crab grass that I've never seen!! Hahaha!

VERY cool visitor!

I'm still chuckling over the "grass is walking". :)

A Tonk's Tail said...

Oh my cat, we've never seen such a critter!